However uncomplicated the term A/B switch may sound, A/B switches are not necessarily uncomplicated to design. Following is a view process with examples that can aid any network boss with the amelioration of the exact switch to meet his or her requirements.
1. Location - Where are you going to put the switch?:
A) Desktop - A desktop A/B switch may look like a black box with a knob, but that is not the total story. An example is the Model 8050 Rj45 A/B Switch that is Cat5 compliant. This manual switch enables access to two 10/100 Base-T networks (up to 100 Mbps) and incorporates a high-quality sealed switch with self-wiping low-impedance contacts. The switch is transparent to data speed and format. The anodized enclosure provides Emi/Rfi shielding which enables the switch to achieve well in noisy environments. A desktop switch can be compact, full-featured and sit right on a desk.
B) Computer Room Rack - Following are two examples of rackmount A/B switches.
i. Switch Modules - Model 9740 switching ideas includes switch modules and a rack that can accommodate up to 40 channels in only 8.75 inches of panel height. The A, B and coarse connections are on the rear panel. The 2-position rotary switches are neatly lined up on the front panel. All 8 pins are switched which allows compatibility with all Rj45 interfaces. Systems are available to accommodate both Cat5 and Cat5e high-speed requirements. Forty channels of A/B switching in a compact rack may meet your enterprise requirements.

ii. Switch Box - A switch box instead of a module may be a better fit for some requirements. The Model 9716 16-Channel Rj45 Cat5e Compliant A/B Switch, with manual operation, fits into a proper 19" rack (2U high). Sixteen front-panel knobs contribute private control of each channel. This switch configuration is rated for 10/100/1000 networks (up to Cat5e).
C) Process control System - Din rail mounting is an ideal method of mounting switches for use in process control systems. The Model 9080 Rj45 A/B/Offline Switch allows the user to access two Rj45 devices linked to its A and B ports with one Rj45 gismo linked to its coarse port, or to separate all ports by switching to the Offline position. This unit is a manually operated keylock switch requiring no power. The switch is literally integrated as a ideas component by utilizing its rear panel Din rail mounting bracket. A grounding screw is mounted on the front panel.
D) Nuclear Power Plant or other Rough Environments - The Model 4503 is a Seismic-Proof Db9 A/B switch. This manual switch has been ruggedized to withstand vibrations. The switch and its feed-through connector have successfully passed the careful seismic testing of the galvanic Power research produce (Epri) Seismic Qualification Reporting and Testing Standardization Squrts Program, qualifying it for use in nuclear power plants. The Model 4503 is ideal for factory floors, energy facilities, and any other harsh environment application.
E) Ship or other Mobile/Motion Application - The manual Model 4504 Ruggedized Db25 A/B switch is designed to withstand vibrations encountered in mobile and appeal applications. This switch has also passed careful seismic testing. The optional mounting ears allow firm attachment.
F) In the Wall - The Model 7190 is a manually operated duplicate gang wall box Online/Offline switch. When in the Online position, the switch connects the coarse gismo to gismo A. In the Offline position, the switch disconnects the coarse gismo from gismo A. There are two Rj45 Cat5e ports on the bracket inside the wall box. The Rj45 network cables must be run into the box and bracket before installing in the wall.
2. Connectors - Types of Connectors/Ports
The coarse types of connectors and ports include: Db9, Db15, Db25, Db37, Hd15, Bnc, Rj45, Rj11/12, Mini-Din and Usb.
3. Rj45 Connector/Port - If the switch has Rj45 ports, is Cat5, Cat5e, or Cat6 required?
A) Cat5 is a type of twisted pair cabling. Twisted pair cabling is categorized agreeing to its transmission capability. Category 5 (Cat 5) cabling transmits data at speeds up to 100 Mbps.
B) Cat5e is a incompatibility of Cat5 that supports short-run Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbps) networking by utilizing all four wire pairs in a Cat5 cable.
C) Cat6 is a cable proper for Gigabit Ethernet and includes stringent specifications for crosstalk and ideas noise. The Cat6 cable proper provides doing of up to 250 Mhz and is suitable for 10Base-T, 100Base-Tx (Fast Ethernet), 1000Base-T/1000Base-Tx (Gigbit Ethernet) and 10Gbase-T (10-Gigabit Ethernet). Most high capability Cat6 cables will exceed the proper and literally contribute doing of up to 550 Mhz.
4. Controls - How do you want to control the switch?
Our four categories include: Local Manual, Remotely Controllable, Automatic, or any combination.
A) Local Manual - All of the network switch examples above are manually operated. They can highlight pushbuttons or rotary knobs and they want no power.
B) Remotely Controllable Network Switches - This switch group includes Rs232 Serial Control, experience Closure, Ip Addressable, and any combination of the three.
i. Rs232 Serial Control - The Remote connector accepts Rs232 serial data Ascii commands. An example of a switch with Rs232 Serial control is the Model 7356 6-Channel Rj45 Cat5 A/B Switch with Local and Remote private Channel Control. Each channel maintains its current position in the event of a power loss and continues to pass data. The unit fits into a proper 19" rack and is 1U high. The Supervisory Remote Port consists of a Db9 female connector that accepts Rs232 serial data. Switch positions can be prime locally via front panel controls or remotely via Rs232 Ascii command via the Remote port.
ii. experience Closure - An example of a experience Closure switch is the Model 7359 Tri-Channel Rj45 Cat5 A/B Switch with Remote control via experience Closure. The switch is controlled manually via pushbuttons or remotely via the Db9 female connector on the rear panel that accepts experience closure signal switch commands.
iii. Ip Addressable - An example of an Ip Addressable switch is the Model 7465 8-Channel Rj45 A/B Switch with 10/100 Base-T Lan Telnet access. The 8 channels on this switch can be independently controlled via pushbuttons. Remote access can be accomplished via the Rj45 Female connector on the rear panel that accepts 10/100 Base-T Lan access Ethernet for remote control operation. Remotely pick switch position, query switch position, and lockout the front-panel pushbuttons. During power loss, the Model 7465 continues to pass data in the lost position.
iv. Graphical User Interface (Gui) - The remote Gui interface allows the user to control the switch remotely with uncomplicated point and click operation. The Model 7358 Rj45/48 T1 Interface A/B Switch features both Telnet and Gui remote control. This switch allows quick association to any one of two Rj45/48 T1 interface devices from one coarse device. Local control is via a front-panel pushbutton. The remote control Rj45 port is an Ip addressable, 10/100 Base-T port. Remote control Telnet command interface or the Graphical User Interface allow the user to control the switch position, lockout the front panel operations and procure switch status. The software features allow the user to access the switch via any proper Web browser. With uncomplicated point and click doing the user can control and monitor the Model 7358. The user can also turn the switch's Ip address. Lan access gives users over the Lan or over the Internet access to control the switch.
v. Code Operated - The switch position and lockout status can be changed through the data stream on the coarse port. The Model 4406 Rj45 Code-Operated A/B Switch shares one Rj45 interface gismo between two other devices. The switch may be controlled via a front-panel pushbutton or remotely by sending a trigger character sequence to the unit via the Remote port. Switch position status is displayed by front-panel Leds or can be queried by the Pc linked to the Remote Rs-232 serial port.
5. Safety Concerns - Keylock, Lockout and Offline Positions
A) Keylock - The benefit of a keylock is the Safety of knowing that only the person with the key can turn the switch position. The Model 8076 Dual-Channel Rj45/110-Block, Cat5e 100 Base-T Network access Keylock Switch accepts two 8-conductor Cat5e cables Input via two Rj45/110-Block punch-down connectors. This switch allows the user to switch-through or break-from two yield Rj45 exit ports. The user can take off the top cover of the switch and punch down the connections inside the unit.
B) Lockout - The benefit of the lockout highlight is that the user can lockout the switch position remotely and be assured that the switch is operating as prescribed. The Model 7348 Tri-Channel Rj45 Cat 5 A/B Switch may be controlled manually via pushbuttons or remotely from an Rs232 serial port. Each channel is an private switch that is independently controlled. Remote commands can switch each channel individually or all channels simultaneously as well as lockout the front panel control. Remote commands allow monitoring of channel switch position and lockout status.
C) Offline and Cutoff Positions - With remote and self-acting switches, the switch can automatically switch to an offline position before switching between ports A and B. manual and remotely controllable switches are also available with a bodily offline position that can be prime to stop the switch from passing data. The Model 7246-Esl Dual Channel Rs530 Switch and Rj45 Secure/Non-Secure Switch with Cutoff position provides two-channel switching in a low profile, 19-inch 1U rack unit. Channel one shares a singular Db25(M) interface gismo linked to the coarse port among two other Db25(F) devices linked to the procure and Non-Secure Db25 ports. Channel two shares an Rj45 gismo linked to the coarse port among two other Rj45 devices linked to the procure and Non-Secure Rj45 ports. Both channels allow the user to set the switches to the Cutoff position which stops any and all data throughput for the switch. If power to the Model 7246-Esl is removed, both switches will automatically move to the Cutoff position. When power is restored, each switch will move to the programmed default position.
6. Power Loss - How do you want to deal with a power loss?
Which position should the switch be in? Should the switch continue to pass data?
A) Last Position, Pass Data - The Model 4421 Cat5 Rj45 A/B Switch with Password Serial Remote Port includes an Rs232 serial Safety enhanced Supervisory Remote Port requiring a password login to access. Upon permissible authentication, a final or computer in final mode linked to this port can chronicle with the unit, determine its status, turn the switch position as desired, and/or lockout the front panel switching capability. The Model 4421 retains the last switch position in the event of a power loss and continues to pass data.
B) Default Position - The Model 4515 8-Channel A/B singular experience Relay Port Switch, Rj11 Interface with 10/100 Base-T Lan access and Serial Remote access shares a gismo linked to a singular pin of each Rj11 interface port between two other devices linked to the A and B pins for each port. Remote access can be via a Web-based Gui interface through 10/100 Base-T Ethernet association or using Ascii commands sent to the unit via an Rs232 connection. Each port has (4) active contacts: commonly Open, commonly Closed, the Wiper experience of the relay, and a pin for Sg (signal ground referenced to the switch unit). The Model 4515 defaults to the commonly accomplished position in the event of a power loss to the unit.
C) Switch Evaluates and Determines Power Up Position - The Model 7387 Rs232 Db25 A/B Switch with Fallback and Remote Port shares a singular port interface gismo linked to the coarse port among two other devices linked to the A and B ports. This switch can sense Rd action or Dcd nearnessy on the ports and switch accordingly. The switch can also be controlled manually via pushbutton or remotely via experience closure. All switched signals are passed via latching copper experience relays that profess their position and continuity in the event of a power loss. When power is restored, the Model 7387 loads the former position and mode of doing and checks Dip switch settings and the remote port to determine the exact startup configuration.
7. Whole of Channels per Chassis - From singular channel A/B switches to complicated channel switches, the technology exists to deal with specific requirements.
A) Combining singular Channel Switch Modules - Up to eight single-channel Model 7009 Rj45 Cat5e A/B/Off-Line Remotely Controllable Switch Modules compactly fit into a Model 9030 Rack. This modular expandable ideas allows the user to add switching capacity as required. Channels are switched individually.
B) 4 Channels in Slim Rackmount Configuration - The Model 7234 Quad-Channel Rj45 A/B Switch with Remote control Port is slim, only 1U high, and fits into a proper 19" rack. All four channels are switched simultaneously. This switch allows local switching via pushbutton. Remote switching is accomplished via the transition from open to accomplished or accomplished to open via a singular set of contacts linked over pins 1 & 2 of the Db9/Female Remote connector port. Upon initial power to the unit, the unit will read the Remote port to determine the power up position state. If there are no connections to the Remote port connector, pins 1 & 2 are open, thus the unit will default to all four channels in the A position. All four channels are switched simultaneously.
C) 8 Channels in a Rackmount Configuration - Model 9066 8-channel Rj45 (2 Pair) 10Base-T manual A/B Switch enables access to two 10 Base-T networks. The operator can reroute data between two networks with a uncomplicated push of a button. Switch each channel individually.
D) 16 Channels of Auto-Controlled Switching in Rackmount Configuration - The Model 7435 Auto-Controlled 16-Channel Rj45 A/B Switch ideas allows sharing a singular port Rj45 interface gismo linked to the coarse port among two other devices linked to the A and B ports for each of the switch's 16 channels. The port position, A or B, of private channels in the Model 7435 is user-configurable to be determined either manually, via the Gui, or automatically per the programming. In the self-acting mode, the position of the private channels is controlled by sensing incoming data on ports A and B. All switched signals are passed via gold clad silver relays that profess their position and continuity even in the event of a power loss. All channels can be switched simultaneously or independently.
E) Up to 40 Channels of A/B Switching - Model 9741 handles up to 40 channels of A/B switching in a high-density switch ideas that takes up only 8.75 inches of panel height. The A, B and coarse connectors are on the rear panel. The 2-position rotary switches are on the front panel. All 8 pins are switched allowing compatibility with all Rj45 interfaces. This trustworthy switch ideas is manually operated and requires no power. Each channel is switched individually.
8. Channel control - Simultaneous, private Remote control or Both. How do you want to switch your channels?
The examples above contribute a collection of control systems:
Model 7009: private switching
Model 7234: Simultaneous switching
Model 9066: private switching
Model 7435: private or simultaneous switching
Model 9741: private switching
9. Power Requirements
Most remotely controllable and self-acting switches want an external power supply.
A) Ul beloved 120Vac, 60Hz wall mount power module that supplies 12 Vdc, 500mA to the unit.
B) Ce and Ul listed wall mount wide range power module, 100Vac, 240Vac, 50Hz/60Hz supplies 12 Vdc, 1.5A to the unit.
C) Exceptions: Some switches want customer supplied voltage to the power input connectors.
10. Summary
The data networks of today are approximately as diverse as snowflakes. Managers have huge tasks: trying to backup data, procure the network, deal with fiber to copper conversions and so much more. This white paper was developed to be used as a guide to help in the produce of an A/B copper network backup switch.